
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here come the Polonaise!

So for the better part of the day I have been draping my Zone front Polonaise.  Its coming along perfectly.  I do have concerns about draping sleeves tho, you know it's one thing I have never done! I didn't have a pattern so I did what I usually do when I don't have a pattern, I drape it on  Mrs. Swishypants, (name courtesy of AShton), my mannequin.  Here are pictures of the almost finished set of stays and the draping the bodice or the polonaise.
Front with half of the stays bound with faux suede binding.
The sketch of  the 1780's Polonaise

The back with en Fourreau pleats.

Close Up of marking the side seam for the front

Front Side Seam pinned

Front, you can see the shape of the zone. 


  1. Ooooh...I love the stays! Now I really, really want romantic roses patterned stays for me!

    And the draping looks fabulous.
